Happy Monday! I'm so excited that we got some rain here! The minute I woke to the sound of it I ran outside. I just stood there letting the rain soak me, and wash away all of the icky things. Sadly there was icky things to wash away. On to happier things! One of my favorite bloggers and I are going to have a blog swap! Basically that means I'm posting on her blog for a day and she is posting on mine.
The oh-so-loved-by-me blogger is -drum roll please- Kayla Lords! And the crowd goes wild! XD She is very talented in the art of written word, passionate, and sexy. Read her blog A Sexual Being http://kaylalords.wordpress.com/. We'll be swapping blogs this Sunday. Don't forget to check me out there, and check her out here. You won't regret it. ;)
So as you know I'm in Texas and not with Sir. Sigh... But in effort to keep myself busy I've doing lots of shopping, writing, even some other creative stuff, and masturbating. Lots and lots of that. Is it safe to say I blame Tumblr? I only brought two vibs and some lube with me, so I've been getting rather creative. Oh the things you can do with household objects! Tehe one of these days I'll have to write it all down. Anyway I hope your all here bright-eyed and horny Sunday for Kayla. Don't be afraid to tell me what you think after, should I keep doing blog swaps or is it boring? Love you guys lots!